Brand new iPhone 6 shouldn't have this many crash logs.

something not right. phone 5 days old , running ios 8.0.2. these of logs worried , sort of explanation , can them. here list;

1 accountsd crash
2 bird crashes (no idea are, not angry birds, log says identitfied think fixed logging in , out of icloud.)
9 excresources 2 apps. how hell can app using many resources on fast system...
2 gamed reports. path says /usr/libexec/gamed, again, no idea.
25+ jetsam events
when hard resetting phone, had logs said:
(boot count: 0
boot failure count: 1
boot faults: btn_rst
boot stage: 80
boot app: 2681261667 (again, nothing))
getting seld reports. path /usr/libexec/seld.

used tonnes of stacks+backboardd reports. i've sacrificed them load of others...

help, , mean, anything, helpful. don't mind restoring phone, setting new silly. phone 5 days old. should not have problem.

brand new iphone running brand new ios version. crash logs normal. abnormal not have crash logs. normal low memory logs there finite amount of memory has shared amongst processes on device.

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