music options?

i'm using iphone 4, , decided i'd listen music when walk or run. never used phone music before, new world. 2 options i've figured out far, listening songs itunes library, or listening 'radio stations' playing type of music like, both have drawbacks -- i'm sick of itunes library songs, , radio stations have commercials, spotty reception while out wandering around , can otherwise glitchy, , don't have tons of songs anyway.

ideal scenario app or service provides huge collection of commerical-free music in genres i'm interested in, such 1960's rock , roll, or 70's pop music, no reception or listening quality issues, , ideally 1 can skip songs don't like.

cable tv offers similar this, commerical free music stations playing random songs in different genres. lot, although can't fast forward.

similar available iphone?

itunes radio, pandora, spotify name few. however, these have ads unless pay subscription.

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