Absolute proof we are a Christian nation. wait for it wait wait BACON.

i knew bacon special puts on top.
eureka, they’ve found it! right wing christians, have long been searching way prove america meant theocracy, not secular country, have stumbled upon piece of evidence earth-shattering not cynical atheist possibly deny it. letter founders? missing addendum declaration of independence? long lost real, true ‘other’ constitution secretly replaced illuminati centuries ago?

no, it’s bigger! it’s bacon!

on september 15, 2014, right wing pastor , certifiably crazy person, bryan fischer, revealed ‘absolute proof” america christian nation radio audience, saying:

want 1 single item of proof america christian nation , not jewish nation , not islamic nation? 1 single bit of proof need: freely allow restaurants , grocery stores sell , serve bacon. can happen in christian country.

why, yes, of course it’s bacon! why didn’t see before? christian nation allow people sell, serve or consume smoky, sweet, greasy goodness known bacon.

or maybe non-religious, totally secular country allow that… nah.

hindu country? holy cow, if weren’t burgers , steaks, i’d think might on there.

fischer summed saying:

“so sheer fact freely allow sale , consumption of bacon absolute proof are, in fact, christian nation.”

i guess makes china christian nation too... :rolleyes:

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