(COUPON) Unlocking Explained (Very Well) AT&T Verizon CDMA and GSM (COUPON)

i first of want not work unlocked service provider.

have seen many threads unlocking phones , many questions process. wanted clear things up.

unlocking btw through apple servicer , requested main carriers or 3rd party people (unlocking services example swift unlock)

verizon information:

1. verizon iphones unlocked cdma (verizon , sprint) , gsm.
2. verizon iphone 5 work on gsm (att & t mobile - rest of domestic , world) not connect lte! gsm people buying iphone 5 unlocked verizion not pick on lte gsm bands.
3. verizon 5s/5c motherload. work on gsm , cdma worldwide.
4. save money if have verizon , don't fall unlocking scheme.

cdma ask? well. without going detail way register phones through carrier. these phones didn't have sim card slot , more secure against theft. if stole phone carrier register it. having or bad esn!. wont go more detail bad esn verizon iphones 5 , above can still used on gsm carriers.

1. if unlock iphone can use gsm carrier.
2. att unlock phone out of service contract free. why unlock services offer 60% success rate half price. offer service can free.
3. if in service contract att not unlock phone. these people saying can call att , might help, have 0.000000002% success rate. can pay etf no 1 wants that. of people looking unlock phone fall in category.
4. recommend swift or unlock fusion! (same service provider) used them ever since unlocks less $2. used try luck 60% success rate iphone in contract , got refund. submitted unlock $45 iphone 5s.

** have not used chronic have been told gets service unlock fusion. maybe that's why charges premium same service. $65?!

not happy unlocking @ $45 sell phones overseas , make profit.

gsm ask. wont explain rest of world uses gsm. cdma dying standard , not sure why verizon sticking it. guess that's how keep customers switching equipment!

downside of unlocking these services is. if need replace phone apple (warranty) new phone might not unlocked. had instance apple server kept new phone unlocked. second issue unlocking work need restore phone unlock code apple server!

need sync songs , videos again. can create backup else.

unlocking not affect service or unlimited data plan. carrier doesn't monitor if through these third party venders.

clears things up. think bad reviews swift unlock people trying save money , purchase 60% success rate service on in contract or blacklisted phone. mentioned before not happy paying $45! that's current price 30 days ago $110!

sure new unlocking bill making legit unlocking prices continue go down.

advice wise. if iphone @ full price go verizon if don't want deal unlocking it. att customer have verizon iphone because buy , sell them time. hate att service because make such big deal unlocking devices.

feel free give me feedback. basic guide tried dumb down as possible.

pm me questions.

here coupon swift: 5% reduced prices! unlock phone people!

coupon code: macrumors14


coupon code: macrumors5


so assuming purchase verizon iphone 6, , want go at&t (or straight talk), can use verizon purchased iphone 6 on at&t lte?

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