after update seem spend inordinate amount of time disabling services on our 2 5s iphones.
use same apple id , after update, @ home, both our phones ring same incoming call...... answer, after trawling pages of internet, disable 'iphone mobile calls' in facetime god's sake !!!!
how hell supposed work 1 out ? apparently our home wifi being used send out these calls. great idea apple -not.
same imessage which, under normal circumstances, happily duplicates messages randomly. answer, disable , use sms only. no problem here in uk virtually sms services unlimited anyway on plans.
wonder why bother updating @ all, seems take several days our phones doing did quite happily before update.
suppose there understand 'extras' come updates mere mortals such us, use our phones phoning, texting , bit of browsing , not else, end mightily frustrated.
allow me first of many here point sharing of apple id problem. intended each user have own.
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