How does battery health relate to performance?

i'm rocking 13" mid-2009 mbp 2.26 ghz core 2 duo. 1 year ago replaced original hdd 128 gb ssd , went 8 gb ram.

@ first had considerable performance boost, have been having issues more recently. bringing computer shut down, sleep or out of dead battery has become extremely taxing (takes 10 minutes apps running- lots of spinning wheels , bouncy apps, killing apps , reopening them up). once though runs relatively smoothly (still little more laggy expect ssd , 8 gb ram).

battery need replaced- 1346 cycles + replace warning. i'm wondering if battery issue? or 2.26 ghz antiquated handle os x 10.9? there 10.5 gb free on ssd issue.

plan on buying air or new mbp within year. want 1 functional possible if sell or keep secondary system.

thoughts or comments on should old girl appreciated.thanks!

i'm not sure, suspect if keep plugged in , performance same, there's more battery. maybe it's time new computer? upgrading gives boost doesn't mean it'll last forever. sucks though :/

backup files now.

edit: missed last part. clean off files , put them somewhere else, re-install os x , see how performs. sell can out of it. luck!

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