How will Apple use NFC?


rumors of nfc coming iphone are circulating.. got me thinking...

how think apple use nfc?

obvious 1 mobile payments. i'm confident apple have complete ecosystem private , secure. mobile payments (iwallet?) far more practical have ever been.

however, this article got me wondering else apple might have in store. nfc useful far more payments. combined bluetooth , ibeacon appears may have interesting things headed our way.

bluetooth pairing?
file sharing?
person person payments?
check-ins? (yelp, 4square, college classes)
airline checkins?
digital business cards?

curious see thinks.


i know of many large retail companies replaced pin pads able accept mobile payments , after few years of trying out , having fail have gone regular pin pads.

all of these better reasons have nfc , can see myself supporting, never understood mobile payments , why seems focused on that.

in few weeks i'll going concert , venue started doing digital tickets only, ticket on passbook app (with qr code) , though rather have printed ticket, can see other venues doing , having nfc check in.

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