iPad Fantastic Apple Store experience with faulty iPad (UK)

just thought i'd post this; have ipad air, bought covent garden apple store on "launch day" last november.

it's been constant companion since then, , has worked flawlessly until couple of weeks ago.

battery indicator seemed "stuck" @ 100%, after ten hours or of use, odd, thought. rebooting ipad brought battery counter (what seemed be) correct level.

however, couple of days later, counter dropped 1%, , wouldn't charge higher, , ipad shut down if tried use on battery (worked ok on mains ac though).

took apple store in sheffield-meadowhall on sunday lunchtime, packed, fitted me in (only had wait 15 minutes), genius ran diagnostic, confirmed battery dead (the diag reported "n/a" against battery, apparently means battery has left building!).

"no problem" says genius "we'll swap new one". , off went, coming in couple of minutes brand new (week 34, 2014 - august) ipad air, handed over, said "feel free use our wifi restore icloud , set make sure you're happy" proceeded do.

told, in , out of store in under half hour.

i'm extremely happy service apple!

glad worked out well.

there should no need celebration apple did should , virtually every other company normal.

if you'd bought argos, or currys or other store , showed/told them fault had been there since day one, should offered new replacement.

it's you'd expect.

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