just got off lengthy phone call verizon. rep told me got alert shipping of iphones. according alert, customers have been getting notifications regular iphone 6 has been shipped already. alert states soonest iphone 6 plus ship 9/18. rep didn't sound smarter average verizon rep, once read alert me, sounded legit enough me pass information on. first time heard getting iphone 6 plus on 9/19 , not have ship on 9/19 status telling me right after placed order (i else, says "expected ship date: not available @ time.")
have no screen shot phone call, reporting told, need take grain of salt. fact alert mentioned regular iphones shipping -- iphone plus shipping 9/18, seems believable me since know half of alert correct have seen people post screen shots regular version has been shipped.
said credit card not charged until ships. if shipping 9/18 that's when should expect see charge. again know there chance rep doesn't know talking about, figured i'd post information because feel comfortable weren't reading script, "alert" seemed legit.
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