external hard drive repeatedly crashes finder, works fine on windows xp machine

i have 1 terabyte wd external hard drive, formatted exfat, have been using macbook air past year.

attempt open hard drive causes finder crash repeatedly. it's not plugging hard drive in it, clicking on icon try , open it.

when happens icons disappear , window asking me if want "restore windows" pops up. window keeps disappearing , reappearing every few seconds finder repeatedly crashes. way stop cycle shut down computer , start again.

in "about mac" seems os recognizes hard drive, , correctly breaks down file types. , running "verify" or "repair" in disk utility completes , states there no problems. oddly, disk utility not seem recognize files on hard drive, listing both folders , files "0", despite correctly recognizing hard drive 80% full.

plugged hard drive windows xp machine today, works perfectly, can see files , folders, etc. ran full virus scan, nothing.

have idea might causing this?



exfat prone corruption since not journaled file system. can move data off of there on windows machine reformat drive?

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