Finder won't remember sidebar width

this issue since dp5, everytime reopen user folder in finder window or tab , sidebar becomes wide itself. have adjust manually

while next version doesn’t fix bug propose different solution. use forever:

1. automator create (or copy , past link bellow) applescript open new tab in finder (from last opened folder):

2. before last line of applescript ("end run”) copy , paste line set sidebar width:

application "finder" to set the sidebar width of every finder window to 180

3. run , test script , set sidebar witdh (180) best value you.

4. use osx applescript editor export script “add new”. tip export , save folder want default tab folder (in case when no tab opened).

5. after export , save it, move “add new” applications folder.

6. app going use accessibility features, necessary add list "system preferences-->security , privacy->privacy->accessibility” , authorize control computer.

7. need create keyboard shortcut (shift+command+t) in finder run “add new” open new window (if no window opened) or tab. after can use in place of default shortcut (command+t) open new window or tab correct width (see tutorial bellow):

ps: tip set shortcut in applications , not in finder open new finder window when necessary. have make small additional steps:

8. go system preferences -> keyboard -> application shortcuts -> applications

9. add new line properties:

application: applications
menu title: new tab
keyboard shortcut: shift-command-t

10. now, test shortcut. service appear @ every app services menu , work want.

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