dear macrumor users,
i'm lukas, co-founder of mynigma, berlin based startup. developed app iphone , i'm glad opportunity promote in forum.
mynigma new kind of email client built-in privacy. messages send other mynigma users protected strong encryption automatically.
normal email open postcard. contents end on web , become part of online footprint. how personal data used becomes impossible control. mynigma uses electronic envelope protect messages while in transit. since sender , recipient can open envelope, message's content remains secure. strong encryption defeat sophisticated attackers.
mynigma couldn't easier use. receive message sent mynigma, encryption feature activates automatically. reply , future messages exchange same contact made safe default.
mynigma completely free personal use. no advertising , no paid upgrades. us, protecting privacy means collect no data @ - not email address. mynigma iphone in closed beta , available app store.
we're looking iphone beta testers. if try mynigma before official release , building awesome app, drop me line , send testflight invite.
if curious, mynigma available mac. link mac thread:
iphone app launch
dear macrumors users,
proudly announce launch of mynigma.
can app in ios app store or following link:
feedback more welcome!
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