7 Days with the iPhone 6 Plus

i curious people's impressions of 6 plus today vs using 1 week. thought interesting see people's thoughts. isn't intended start fight. or polarize. sort of little experiment.

idea this: if have iphone plus, write feel when it. should intuitive, gut, stream of consciousness. honest. it's not meant defend purchase, or ridicule others. gut reaction phone , handling it. since there many little details , instances never experience or respond without using everyday way did 5s or whatever phone used before. there no real way have honest reaction it.

after writing review. return thread 7 days after writing initial post. edit original post , include second review below initial review people can read both back , see how thoughts or opinions changed, or didn't change on course of week. or how things never considered came up, , how plus faired in situations.

if catches on great if mods make thread sticky.

7 days thread :)

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