IPhone 6 Plus Popularity

i stunned , astounded immense popularity of iphone 6 plus. why ? quite time, apple fanboys have vehemently bashed , ridiculed samsung making such large phones. attacks on sites bgr, engadget , wired name few have been relentless , venom packed. purchasers of 6 plus aware device on quarter inch taller galaxy note 3 (which huge beast of phone) , taller galaxy note 4 , samsung galaxy s 5? hard pressed find smart phone immense , laughable dimensions of 6 plus. owned galaxy note 3 8 months before replaced moto x in june. replaced 1 simple reason. huge, bloated monstrosity. big , beastly case stomach did not make appear monstrosity , offer adequate protection otterbox commuter. galaxy note 3 plus otterbox defender sheer hell. device looked semi truck tire. combination embarrassingly ludicrous. huge phone gigantic! apple releases iphone 6 plus , forgiven fanboys , media. ok offer shiny monstrosity immense display , stupidly large dimensions. after all, branded apple. can folks. preordered iphone 6 , didn't consider 6 plus. owning moto x made me realize 4.7 inch display perfect. not big, , far small. of hypocritical fanboys out there (and know are) ordered 6 plus, mark these words, sorry! device immense slab of glass. don't think of using 1 hand, , please, not consider purchasing otterbox defender device. apply defender , realize how massive shiny new 6 plus is. try texting 1 hand , prepare beast flip hand , crash floor. iphone 6 plus dimension 1 of largest phones on planet! laughing stock of work place. bottom line? in smart phone world, size matter! 6.22 inch tall smart phone? no thanks.

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