The 6 isn't as bad as I thought... (Still can't upgrade yet)

i got touch 6 today in local verizon store after not wanting deal apple store crowds yesterday , best buy not having display models (insane, know, , @ 8:00pm central!). have it's not big , awful thought, , used it. rounded edges nice, wish 5 had them! i'd hate put case on edges, it's bit slippery, , i'm klutz. holding 1 hand involve hand shifting i'm not used to, it's comfortable hold. i'll have spend more time 1 test out typing , other tasks. also, space gray looks good! it's tempting choose on silver though of other apple products silver. gold isn't me.

did pick 6 plus, , boy, thing ridiculous! :eek: it's not me. props of can lug thing around.

if have 5, 5c, or 5s , aren't sure bigger 6, it's not bad if aren't diehard one-handed user. 4 or 4s owners used it. if find don't it, there's still 5s available little while.

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