Opinions wanted re backup options for large RAID array

there may no "right" answer this, interested in opinions.

have 8-bay hardware raid box 8 3tb nas drives in it. have second 8-bay box isn't being used @ moment. i'm trying decide best way setup large storage array both fast , secure. setup 18tb raid 50 array. however, "catalog" has gone corrupt , osx read (can't write or delete). have tried disk utility several of other top utilities, , none able rebuild it. thus, guess have copy off of it, format it, , copy on.

since have go through hassle anyways, i'm pondering other options. raid 1 not have helped me in case, there nothing wrong drives themselves. corrupted data. making me wonder if should set raid 0, use time machine or other software , mirror other 8-bay box. if goes wrong first one, including data corruption, i've got on other one. go raid 5 on both boxes, make easier deal single drive failures. backup software end creating same corruption on 2nd array?

thoughts/ideas/suggestions this? thanks.

how critical data? consumer use, or critical run business? data segregated different pools, can managed independently?

have used raid lot... , have come conclusion lousy technology consumer applications. true single spindle drives have become large. enterprise solutions different story... maintain large enterprise class raid array expensive (10's or 100's of thousands of dollars (or more). not expensive if critical run enterprise... way out of reach of ambitious consumers.

assuming using consumer purposes... , expensive solutions out of reach:

first thing consider erase pre-conceived notions raid increases reliability. believe opposite true... raid systems introduce new failure mechanisms not exist in single spindle drives. believe them less reliable. current situation perfect example... except can still read data... are lucky -- many others not.

consumers, there 2 real arguments use raid:

1) increased performance (as measured in iops).
2) single volume larger available on single spindle drives

item #1 above pretty dead now. iops intensive application or usage better off using ssd, , ssds less expensive solution... since physical capacity requirements of high iops small (ex: <1tb) , affordable in ssd

item #2 more real. if need single volume larger available in single spindle drives... raid of flavor mechanism need. 6tb hdds available now... few applications need single volumes more capacity.

why asked if can split work across multiple volumes. doing can buy 2 or 3 physical drives per usage pool... , use traditional backup , cloning methods guarantee data replicated. can critical data via cloud services, have disaster recovery.

personally... have had lot of storage devices data on years. many have been nas units, , decommissioned now. large usage digital storage of video library. have come conclusion keeping around old fashioned , clunky way of thinking. might delete all. virtually available real time on web... why want library? free me 100% ssd... , turn off (for good) last remaining array... thunderbolt 8tb pegasus r4.


p.s. never buy computer hdd. continue use pegasus r4 overflow data drive... matter of time before ends in trash , 100% ssd

p.s.s. pegasus r4 no longer in office... in secured area , connected via 30m optical thunderbolt cable. of backup time capsules secured away. bliss have no background noise in office anymore.

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