rMBP or iPad Retina: which has more problems?

hi, forum!
i’ve been considering buy 13-inch rmbp. encountered many issues concerning i’m cautious buy now. yet, have buy retina screen right cause previous mac won’t start.
so, i’m considering ipad retina. in past, heard ipads have defects. read on ipads in detail, number of people grumbling ipad model in question bit frustrating.
1) right percentage of defective ipad retina screens higher rmbp 13? cause users afraid it’s impossible find ipad retina screen without defects.
2) ipad retina freezes? number of largest thread devoted rmbp 13 freezes 200 pages.
ipad, agree limit myself use devices surfing, such google search (doubt, there's advanced ios), plus google documents editing, skype, youtube watching.


i think you're wrong, there's no definitive study showing issues 13" rmbp. both (13"/15") great laptops, , either has inherent problems.

i'm not familiar thread, can't answer, whether many of posters dealing hardware or software.

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