Interesting Ride ~ Long Post

as relatively new mac user, it's nice here on white side... shiney. little confusing sure sure feels smooth. many options lost. 3 fingers this, 4 fingers this, 2 fingers... oops thats not mac gesture! after 9 months , onto second rmbp, later, started adventure iphone, ipad. lot of friends started using mac's in earnest , started curious. mean mac? wasn't burger. people respect taking seriously. mean seriously, mac? thought if going check out, lets careful. picked 27" imac wife. way if didn't got great computer sure enjoy. geek me well.

turns out interesting. astonished @ os upgrade in 1 click. effortless patches , software updates. still managed fresh install of 10.8. had mac users looking @ me quite strangely. see in windows world way best performance clean install. seems doesn't apply here. find out in 10.9 can't anymore usb need internet , can boot menu. pretty damn cool. had once try , unsuccessfully resolve bootcamp issue on mac book because no longer permitted touch "her" imac.

it's hers now, body , soul. when happened forced take plunge. bought rmbp , lost time. coming grips new things , new environment. not ui under hood because kind of guy. learning nix system drives baby. learning apps, desktop ecosystem, weird , wonderful still have yet figure out. grabbed office mac both hands coming on windows familiar ground believe need ween myself off dark side.

want reach zen level, ui understanding complete. when know launchpad useful for. when understand why widgets screen exists... these deep , dark mysteries of mac cloud mind. have comprehend completeness of ui, know facets of each corner of shining jewel fine life-lines on hands. tonight when discovered itunes visualiser , spend 2 hours watching awestuck @ amazing visuals generated. don't know platform. discover.

far have played lots of things, , not enough of right things. homebrew install things, many apps have come , seem have gone. losing rmbp coffee expensive lesson in open drinks near computer. cause bugger if can remember apps had installed on it. yes know restore able reinstall major apps. if microsoft make mac powerpoint not crash @ least once day. see mean? there better alternatives can read powerpoint files? tell what, reckon if released visio on mac there million people switch mac on same day because windows dogs breakfast.

have installed office, appcleaner, crossover, vmware workstation, parallels, flowboard (new), gfxcardstatus, ia writer, istats menus, launchcontrol (bit beyond me), mountain tweaks, omnigraffle,pwsafe, sophos av (its free im testing it, detected stuff on usb sticks , in web cache), seashore, skype, totalfinder, vlc, wine & wine bottler, wireshark. skipped games, tivo, arduino stuff. homebrew install utilities various things since there no package manger osx. use stock ssh extensively public key ident , custom config files. play lot in networking getting proxies way want them , prioritising connections. adding routes when needed. run f5 appliances in vmware , talk local osx webserver testing consult , teach entire product range.

last night rediscover purchased apps page in app store , find apps forgot when lost rmbp first time! installed keynote , find opens powerpoint presentations *sigh* wish had known 8 months ago. opened garageband first time last night... found loops! paid tiny $6 massive 12gb of remaining content went , picked mainstage 3 more loops , sounds! still working way around it. discovering apps, discovering apple has offer , keeps on coming...

having built pc's twenty years know jonathan ive's meant when said no-one build's custom designed machines ground anymore. machine work of art, said wife, if had money, buy second , encase in amber or preserve piece of design history future. lucky me, type on one....

nice meet :)

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