Android - The grass is NOT greener

well decided couple of months ago try android. kept hearing how customisable was, , how fast ran....

month one:

xperia z2.

absolutely gorgeous looking phone. camera incredible, screen delight use. lost out on integration macbook. no longer did have icloud bookmark syncing, contacts syncing or photos. had choose googles options, worked not seamless. itunes match naturally did not work, had upload entire library google music....oh , did mention camera overheated? front facing stereo speakers , noise cancelling headphones great though!

comes motorbike , scala rider. boy did phone hate scala, sure work "ok" music, calling impossible. had no inbuilt voice recognition, voice dial never worked dial ask me confirm , "did not that", grrrrr. oh , after month wireless charger stopped working , became demagnetised.

battery life phenomenal compared 5s once enable stamina mode. lasting 2 days of intense use. once started gaming, became crap. games tried ran considerably slower thant iphone. play lot of real racing 3 , omg laaggggg..

month 2:

samsung galaxy s5. decided try 1 see if made be. .... first off feels cheap, tacky , plastic. not start... display bloody great, vibrant colours seemed artificial. pictures camera stunning, struggled in low light.

os point of view, seemed tad faster z2. same issues of integration macbook naturally apparent off. miss imessage. entire family has iphones, had download whatsapp stop getting charged picture messages....

there fingerprint scanner utter crap, have swipe rather place thumb unlike iphone 5s. unreliable, , works intermittently. speakers re on , lack clarity. battery life far less x2.

oh , scala rider worked fine due s-voice working better google implementation.

end result? running fast can iphone 6. bigger screen coupled ios way forward. android, gaming , widget , performance massively overrated.

i android on nexus. in ways, better ios

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