iPhone 6 Plus: Really Strange Behavior

apparently i'm king of strange apple bugs (i've heard applecare, "wow, that's...weird.")

iphone 6 plus resetting itself. when so, gets stuck in reset loop, showing apple logo , backlit black screen, followed apple logo, , on. if have plugged in when it's in 1 of these loops, i'll hear charging chime sound every often. whenever phone again usable, fingerprint unlocks phone still--so evidently phone isn't resetting. it's reminiscent of ios 7 bug ios devices "resetting" themselves.

in case, however, found iphone in reset loop hard reset wouldn't fix--and don't recall ever happening infamous ios 7 bug. thought putting phone in recovery mode in order.

thought of fact when put ios 8 on ipad air (that's right, ipad), couldn't icloud keychain turn on, , icloud preferences pane freeze. also, had been using same four-digit passcode on ipad , iphone. on hunch, turned off passcode on ipad. iphone sprang life.

noticed iphone still resetting every once in while, though not before.

time iphone gets in 1 of reset loops, if turn ipad air off, reset loop shortly end , again iphone usable. if turn ipad air on, unresponsive several minutes.

apparently iphone , ipad in conflict each other. bizarre. unless it's big coincidence, guess possible--sometimes there's streaks in randomness.

guess main reason why posting this: else experiencing similar behavior ios device ios 8?

saw 6+ earlier when battery died. plugged computer charge , when came on, apple logo came on , vibrated second normal, did again , kept looping on , over. plugged wall outlet , seemed fine after that. weird stuff.

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