iPad iOS 7.1.1/2 Troubleshoot OS vs Hardware on iPad Mini?


longtime reader, first-time writer...basically looking corroboration regarding issues ipad mini first gen sim card.

1. chronic freezing/crashing began ios 7.1.1 update. issue started off @ rate of 1x per day, , ended happening 10 min session of use after 2 months.

-symptoms ipad click if hit start button or had camera taken pic. followed screen going dark. hitting home button, startup page swipe pop screen unresponsive forcing hard reset fix.

-fixes tried included 5 reinstalls 2 of factory resets. saw several other people talk similar unresponsive screens after update, , waited 7.1.2 fix these others.

2. installed ios 7.1.2 other day. things worked great 20 minutes when click sounded , screen went black, , before, met unresponsive screen after hitting home button.

-new symptom makes me think might os issue, instead of having force reboot, able let screen go black again , when hit home button, able swipe in , key in lockscreen code. other happening every 20-30 minutes of use, ipad running good. update went smooth, had high hopes.

-left ipad go sleep, had near full battery. screen goes black, put on table , next morning, screen still black, faded image of apple symbol faintly detected on screen unresponsive. after force reboot (the charge @ 30%), did factory reset again.

-ipad still crashing every 20 minutes or addition of new symptom, ipad click, page goes dark , 4 seconds later ipad auto reboots apple symbol. after reboot, ipad may unresponsive or fine, no rhyme or reason.

experience similar issues ipad or iphone, , more importantly, have taken in see apple say? have gotten 2 responses ios 7.1.1 os 2 separate stores before 7.1.2 release. first being, out of warranty, buy , second being cost $200 try , fix no answer if hw or ios or whether thought fixed.

ideas? thoughts?

i have problems since update , went 7.1.1 still...
have camera problems see in last forum post...

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