Resolved 3.5 to 4 or iphone 4 to 5 .. got to make a living.

hahaa it.. ??? ok never mind..

have app iphone 4 or 3.5 , worked on iphone 5 boarder.. updated full frame , iphone 5 aware if install new recognizes it's on iphone 5 , fine.

if it's old version updated. code doesn't seem working..
  #define is_iphone5 (([[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds].size.height-568)?no:yes)    #define scaleyfor5 1.19 ; //1.18333333  #define scaleyfor35 1.0;  #define scalexfor5 1;  #define scalexfor35 1;      // else resize buttons  //  if (is_iphone5) {      btframe.origin.y = btframe.origin.y * (scaleyphone+0.05); // 0.04      }else{          btframe.origin.y = btframe.origin.y * scaleyphone;      }      moveshuf.frame = btframe;      cgrect btframer = moverest.frame;      btframer.origin.x = btframer.origin.x * scalexphone;      if (is_iphone5) {          btframer.origin.y = btframer.origin.y * (scaleyphone+0.02); // 0.04      }else{          btframer.origin.y = btframer.origin.y * scaleyphone;      }        moverest.frame = btframer;   // , other stuff resizes it.  if (is_iphone5) {      btframe.origin.y = btframe.origin.y * (scaleyphone+0.05); // 0.04      }else{          btframe.origin.y = btframe.origin.y * scaleyphone;      }    }        
but doesn't seem reading correctly. because size seems off.
have check actual models

***also idea how test in simulate upgrades, because simulator , xcode seems compile new app. works fine

should like.

*** hint although both images came iphone 5 different resolutions.
below 496 × 880 pixels above 640 × 1136 pixels wacky.. think iphone5 stretch image not change screen resolutions.


thinking might answer. #1
  #define is_ipad (ui_user_interface_idiom() == uiuserinterfaceidiompad)  #define is_iphone (ui_user_interface_idiom() == uiuserinterfaceidiomphone)  #define is_iphone_5 (is_iphone && [[uiscreen mainscreen] bounds].size.height == 568.0)  #define is_retina ([[uiscreen mainscreen] scale] == 2.0)  
thanks suggestions.

bad idea? apple suggest not use why?

  #import <sys/utsname.h>  #define is_iphone5 ((([devicename() rangeofstring:@"iphone5,"].location != nsnotfound)||([devicename() rangeofstring:@"iphone6,"].location != nsnotfound))?no:yes)    nsstring* devicename()  {      struct utsname systeminformation;      uname(&systeminformation);      nsstring *result = [nsstring stringwithcstring:systeminformation.machine                                            encoding:nsutf8stringencoding];      nslog(@"device a:%@",result);      return result;  }    // when put same code in object gives me duplicate compile error  !!   ?hun? //    * not using above because previous answer #! code works without issue , apple sanctioned... hahah!!!     ** think problem initialize / save the screen , never update later.. bad. think best practices sort of thing dynamically calculate these values.. fingers crossed.   

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