Security concerns

hi everyone,

i'm rather new macs whole despite owning macbook pro past 3 years.

have macbook pro i've been using work recently, partnership's soured , we've parted ways. kinda made mistake of leaving mac in office while went out things done. told ex-partners delete mails in entourage make sure wasn't taking away business them that's had access mac mine.

happened when came few hours later, told me had re-build database see i've deleted. tried transferring data out of entourage seemingly unsuccessful.

so, that's been done , said, i'm kind of suspicious of else might have done on mac while away. know they've been keen on other stuff on database, how can tell if mac's been hacked , they've gone through stuff , made duplicates? legal?

legal or illegal, no idea, gave him access machine, won't have of ground stand on if/when decide can't more this, have no idea what's company's policy on stuff that.

depending on how stuff have on mac, few hours enough copy everything, how important these files? happen if got wrong hands?

check activity monitor , strange, since left him alone hours, have installed malicious, keylogger.

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