No Mention Of Jesus In 126 Historical Texts
quote [h]istorical analysis finds no clear evidence jesus existed. paulkovich found astonishing absence of evidence existence of jesus in history. "historian flavius josephus published jewish wars circa 95 ce. had lived in japhia, 1 mile nazareth - yet josephus seems unaware of both nazareth , jesus." @ pains discredit interpolations in work "made him appear write of jesus when did not." religious historians take more nuanced view agreeing christian scholars added own pieces later maintaining historical reference jesus present in original. yet, fudged text not compelling evidence anything. paulkovich consulted no fewer 126 historians (including josephus) lived in period , ought have been aware of jesus if had existed , performed miracles supposedly drew great deal of popular attention. "when consider 126 writers, of whom should have heard of jesus did not - , paul , marcion , athenagoras , matth...